We are a Social Enterprise, meaning that we reinvest our profits either to train new beekeepers and buy honey from them at a fairtrade price!
Through Plan Bee hundreds of beekeepers and farmers are collaborating on
expanding honey production, improving the quality of the honey, and promoting beekeeping in Myanmar.
As modern agriculture is introduced, bees are exposed to harmful pesticides, resulting in the rapid decline of bee colonies. Our project promotes responsible pest control that does not destroy the bee population.
We have established a Technical and Vocational Education Beekeeping Training (TVET) Program.
The training program works alongside the Myanmar Department of Apiculture to support their extension efforts.
It also
provides wider entry opportunities into the sector for rural households, particularly motivated young people (18-35)
with no alternative education or skills, looking to step out of agriculture or to diversify family income streams and improve their economic opportunities.
TVET program is on track to becoming an established training school where suitable candidates can enter the one-year program and receive the support necessary to become a successful independent commercial beekeeper.
At present the project has trained more than 100 full time migratory beekeepers committed to the business!
First Steps in Beekeeping
10 days of classes to learn the first techniques to insights into beekeeping!
Learning on the Field
One year long, receiving 20 hives, mentorship, quality control support, business skills and financial literacy training, and practical assessment.
Becoming a Beekeeper
Final practical assessment and graduation.
In addition to honey production, the PBSE has an established Microenterprise Program that produces and sells bee by-products such as candles and balms.
The program developed when the majority of our initial trainees in our first beekeeping course in 2014 and 2015 were unable to commit to the business. Vulnerable and landless, they couldn’t commit to the six-month migrations required to maintain healthy beehive colonies.
As a result,
we developed a parallel program to fill this gap, giving our most vulnerable community members an opportunity to gain new, valuable skills.
We taught them to make raw beeswax products, and provided business development training and support, and market linkages.
These products are produced in small batches from 100% natural beeswax, and at the moment include candles, balms, and soaps.
CEO: Ms. Thida Win
Tel/WhatsApp: +959773608091
Address: Pindaya Beekeeping Office, Subokone Quarter, Pindaya Township, Southern Shan State, Myanmar
© 2022. Apiculture Resource and Business Center Ltd. Plan Bee Social Enterprise is an award-winning, premium honey producer from Myanmar.